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Portrait Photographer, 

We offer Photographers of all skill levels, the opportunity to enhance their photography with our Painted Portrait artistry. The result of our artistry combined with your photography is a product that stands alone as a unique painted art piece. It's an exclusive luxury brand product that will set you apart in the industry as a Portrait Artist and will introduce your studio to new clientele.


We hear what you're saying...


"I don’t have the time, software, or skills needed to create Painted Portraits".


"I don’t know how to Market and Sell Painted Portraits".

Don't worry, We'll show you how!

When you become our client, we will teach you exactly what to do and say to sell Painted Portraits effectively. With our expert instruction, you will not stumble, stutter, or hesitate when presenting your Painted Portraits to new clients. You’ll learn the sales and marketing strategies that are currently being used successfully by the country’s leading Portrait Artists.

Become a Valued Client today!

Fill out the contact form below to schedule a FREE strategy session. Based on your photography, your studio, and your location, we'll tell you exactly how you can elevate your art and elevate your income.  

Name *

Email *

Studio * 




Thanks! I look forward to speaking with you!

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All images and artwork © 2023 by Serrano Art Studio
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